Current projects

Most of my current work is associated with these three projects:

An ARC funded research project on Developing interdisciplinary expertise in university courses and laboratories (with Lina Markauskaite and Cara Wrigley). The project has a website here. It builds on research on epistemic fluency that Lina and I have been carrying out for a decade or so and on Cara’s extensive work in design innovation. The book that Lina and I co-authored and the epistemic fluency website provide more information about some of the foundational ideas. Some of Cara’s writing on design can be found here.

A book with the working title of ‘Complex teaching: reflecting on learning, technology and design‘. This is growing as a collection of essays, updating and synthesising work on design for learning, educational technology, learning spaces etc – much of which can be discovered on this site under the category tag of ‘Design for Learning’.

An autoethnographic study of learning about learning and learning to sail – a very long-term project which is generating a few papers and book chapters and which may eventually make a whole book. The category tag for this area of work is ‘Learning with M~’